2025 ABA Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Guidelines

2025 ABA Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract submission, Acceptance, and Presentation Guidelines

Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 5 PM CT

An abstract tutorial video is available. Please note that the due dates in the video are not applicable to this year's annual meeting abstract submission deadline.


No revisions to abstracts (i.e., additions or deletions of author names, changes to text or data) will be permitted after the October 1, 2024, 5 PM CDT submission deadline.

Abstract Title:

  1. An abstract must have a short, specific title, which clearly defines the content of the paper.

  2. It cannot include author names, organizations, trade names for drugs or devices. Author Name(s):

  3. An author’s name may appear on multiple abstracts.

  4. If an author's name appears on more than one abstract, it should be identical on each abstract so the author will only have to submit one disclosure.

  5. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after the submission site closes on October 1, 2024.

  6. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have submitted their disclosures. In the system, submitters have an option to invite authors. The system will send them an email to submit a disclosure. You can log in and see who has completed the disclosure. You will not be able to submit the abstract as final until all authors have completed their disclosures.
    Abstract Data:

  7. The American Burn Association's Annual Meeting is a forum for the presentation of best original work in the field of burn care. Thus, the work covered by the abstract must not have been previously submitted or accepted for publication. Submission and/or presentation at regional meetings prior to the ABA Annual Meeting is allowed.

  8. The combined length of the abstract body, title, and table may not exceed 2,500 characters. A character includes letters, numbers, and punctuation. The online site will not accept abstracts that exceed this character limit. Spaces are NOT counted in the total character count.

  9. Authors should not "split" data to create several abstracts from one. If splitting is judged to have occurred, such abstracts may be accepted as ONE presentation. Authors will be asked to submit all the data as one presentation.

  10. Do NOT submit abstracts if you are proposing a study. The purpose of submission is to report study results in a scientific format.

  11. The format for the abstract should be as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Applicability of Research to Practice, External Funding. All fields are required.

  12. Do not include author names, organizations or other identifying information in the title or body of the abstract.

  13. Do not begin sentences with numerals.

  14. Do not include title, authors, references in the body of the abstract.

  15. Generic names should be used for medical devices, procedures, and drugs.

  16. If you copy and paste your abstract from an existing document, you must check all special characters after you do so. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. Images & Tables:

  17. Be aware that if you insert a table or image, it will be scaled down to 3.25” wide in the abstract book. Please make sure that the information in your table or image is legible at this width. The site will only accept image files. You are allowed two (2) images per abstract ONLY.

  18. Human images (eyes, ears, etc..) need to be blocked of any identifying information. Abstract Withdrawal:

  19. Requests for withdrawal of an abstract must be received in writing by December 31, 2024, to avoid publication. Abstract Revisions:

  20. After the October 1, 2024, deadline, abstracts may not be revised in any way or resubmitted.

  21. Additions or deletions of author names will not be permitted after October 1, 2024. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. ABA Award Consideration:

  22. For accepted abstracts, authors indicating award consideration will be required to submit a completed manuscript online through the Journal of Burn Care and Research.

  23. The deadline to submit manuscripts for award consideration is January 29, 2025.

  24. If your abstract is selected for an award, Lead Authors are expected to be present to receive the award at the meeting.

  25. Information on available awards can be found on the Awards tab of the abstract submission site or the ABA website http://ameriburn.org/who-we-are/awards/


  1. If your abstract is accepted, Lead Authors are expected to present it in person at the time allotted. No shows will be noted, and authors may be excluded from presenting at future meetings. ALL notifications will be sent to the submitting author only. We are not responsible for emails that are blocked or go to spam/junk folders.

  2. Provisional acceptance will be announced in November. Acceptance is contingent upon registration to the ABA Annual Meeting. Anyone not registered for the ABA Annual Meeting by February 12, 2025, may have their acceptance withdrawn. No shows will be excluded from presenting at future meetings.

  3. Acceptance letters will be e-mailed to the presenting author by mid-November. It is the submitting author's responsibility to notify all authors of abstract acceptance.

 DISQUALIFICATION                                                                     _

Automatic Disqualification will occur in the following circumstances:

  1. Disclosures are not submitted for ALL authors by October 1, 2024. You will not be able to submit your abstract if the disclosures task hasn’t been completed.

  2. If author names, organizations or other identifying information is included in the title or body of the abstract. Abstracts must not identify your institution, university, state, province, or country, or any product trade names.

  3. If educational materials that are part of a CE activity, such as slides, abstracts, and handouts, that CONTAIN any advertising, corporate logo, trade name, or a product-group message of an ACCME defined commercial interest*. *Click here to review ACCME defined ineligible companies.


  1. Abstracts are selected on the basis of scientific merit and are allocated to podium (correlative) or poster presentations. You are asked to indicate podium, poster, or no preference under the presentation preference header on the additional information page. Selecting "poster" will neither prejudice acceptance nor guarantee a poster presentation because abstracts must be arranged to fit into a thematic group for presentation. However, the ABA will make every effort to accommodate your presentation request. If your abstract scores highly, and you indicated poster, you may be asked if podium presentation is acceptable.

  2. Expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract are the responsibility of the presenter. Presenters are required to register to attend the Annual Meeting. The ABA does not offer speaker scholarships or discounts for speakers.

  3. If your abstract is accepted as one of the Top 5 Abstracts, you will be required to submit a manuscript to the Journal of Burn Care & Research prior to the meeting. Lead authors will be expected to attend the meeting and present your paper in person on Friday, April 11 for the Top 5 Abstracts & ABA Research Paper Awards session. If this is not possible, please alert the ABA of a replacement presenter. Full manuscripts will be due 4 weeks prior to the meeting so the selected discussant can prepare remarks.

  4. The ABA reserves the right to all photos, video, or audio recordings of presentations at the Annual Meeting.

  5. By agreeing to present an abstract for the ABA Annual Meeting, you are also agreeing to present the abstract in a virtual setting, if necessary.

  6. Questions may be submitted to education@ameriburn.org.  

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