2025 ABA Research Paper Awards
Annual meeting abstract authors may indicate their interest in consideration for an award. If the abstract is accepted, a manuscript of the paper must be submitted to JBCR (instructions below).
Table of Contents
Peter Brigham Burn Epidemiology Prevention Best Paper Award
The Peter Brigham Burn Epidemiology Prevention Best Paper Award is awarded for original research studies which may address any single burn or fire prevention problem, a specific population, multiple etiologies, or epidemiology. Physicians, non-physicians, and students from all disciplines can apply.
ABA/Shriners Best Pediatric Burn Paper Award
The Shriners Hospitals for Children, specializing in burn injuries, have been leaders in burn care, research and education since opening in the mid-1960s. Thanks to the medical care provided at these hospitals, every year thousands of children have a greater chance of surviving from all types of burn injuries. The Shriners Hospitals for Children has underwritten the award.
Albert T. McManus Burn Microbiology Paper Award
The Albert T. McManus Award is awarded for the best paper on the topic of burn microbiology by a basic scientist. The abstract must address burn microbiology with preference given to the use of a microbiology database and/or collaboration with investigators in other countries. The author should be a non-physician either in the basic science career (PhD or candidates) or training for such a career.
Burke/Yannas Bioengineering Best Paper Award
The Burke/Yannas Bioengineering Best Paper Award is awarded for original research studies in the field of bioengineering. This award recognizes the significant efforts of Dr. John F. Burke and Dr. Ioannis V. Yannas, who were both instrumental in the development of the first artificial skin.
Burn Care Quality Program (BCQP) Best Paper Award
The Burn Care Quality Program (BCQP) Best Paper Award is awarded for original research studies using information from the ABA BCQP. The award was originally developed in 2007 for the National Burn Registry. The name was changed in 2020 to reflect the change in tools being used to capture data. This award category seeks to provide publishing opportunities for young authors and ABA members while employing the useful data contained in the BCQP. Both Physicians and Nonphysicians may apply and 1 award will be given to the best paper overall.
Carl A. Moyer Resident Paper Award
The Carl A. Moyer Resident Award is awarded for the best paper submitted by an individual training to be a medical doctor currently in residency or medical school. Dr. Moyer (1908-1970) was a brilliant surgical investigator and a charismatic teacher. He was deeply interested in the burn problem. Perhaps his most important contribution was to stimulate a major interest in burns in a sizeable cohort of young surgeons, several of who later have become leaders in the burn field. He introduced the topical use of silver nitrate to prevent infection in major burns. His laboratory and clinical research emphasized and elucidated the fundamental role of sodium salt solutions in burn/trauma resuscitation and has influenced modern medical-surgical practice. He also pointed out the magnitude and potential physiological significance of transcutaneous evaporative heat loss in the severely burned, work which stimulated many others to explore the causes of post-burn hyper-metabolism and its consequences. The Carl A. Moyer Award is an eminently suitable memorial to this surgeon, scientist, and teacher.
Clinical Research Paper Award
The Clinical Research Award is awarded to the best clinical research paper submitted by a non-physician.
History Manuscript Award
The ABA Archives Committee offers an award for the ABA History Manuscript Grant. The manuscript is about a historically important event, person, or scientific advance in burn care of the development of the ABA. To be considered for this award, a one- page grant application form is submitted to the Archives Committee and the application identifies the topic or subject and its importance to the ABA and/or burn care, in general.
Robert B. Lindberg Basic Scientist Paper Award
The Robert B. Lindberg Award is awarded for the best scientific paper submitted by a non-physician. Robert B. Lindberg, PhD (1914-1982) was an internationally recognized microbiologist whose research career spanned more than half a century. Dr. Lindberg’s extensive knowledge of wound microbiology was acquired during World War II and with the U.S. Army Surgical Research Team during the Korean Conflict. During his long tenure at the USAISR, Dr. Lindberg was an integral member of the multidisciplinary team that investigated the pathogenesis of burn wound infection. He examined and cultured wounds in performing extensive research on the clinical microbiology of burn wounds. He instituted innovative epidemiologic surveillance systems and identified sources of contamination in the patient care environment. His findings were instrumental in defining the significance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization and infection in burn patients. Dr. Lindberg developed the still current “gold standard” animal model for evaluating topical antimicrobial agents. That landmark accomplishment and his laboratory contributions during subsequent clinical trials established Mafenide (Sulfamylon) as the first effective topical burn agent. Dr. Lindberg’s scientific discoveries and his singular contributions as a non-physician member of the burn team are memorialized by the ABA Robert B. Lindberg Award.
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· What is the submission deadline for the 2025 ABA Research Paper Awards?
o January 29, 2025
· When will authors be notified of award decisions?
o Authors will be notified about awards in mid to late February.
· Are awards conveyed to an individual or to all authors?
o ABA Research Paper Awards are conveyed to the lead author for the paper. Recognition (plaque, monetary award, etc.) is presented to just one individual per award each year. The individual may choose to share monetary winnings, however, only one check will be issued.
· Will the authors need to blind their submissions for consideration?
o Yes. Submitting authors should remove identifying information from papers. JBCR staff will blind the abstract information before sending to the ABA for award review but authors are responsible for the article content. For example, in the methodology section, papers may say “submitted for IRB review”, rather than “submitted for IRB review by XXX University”.
· Who reviews the award submissions for consideration?
o Each award falls under the responsibility of an ABA Committee, made up of member volunteers. Committee members are assigned to review the awards each year.
· If I win an award, will my paper automatically be published in the JBCR?
o No. The award review and journal editorial processes are separate, and submissions are reviewed by different volunteers. Though rare, it is possible that a manuscript could be selected for an award and then declined for the journal.
· Are there any conditions for award acceptance?
o Yes. All awardees must complete an award winner information form, including submission of a W-9, in a timely fashion to accept their awards.
· What are the prizes for winning an award?
o All awardees receive a plaque, recognition at the annual meeting and on ABA website, and a monetary award. Monetary awards vary and range from $500-$1500.
· When is the awards ceremony?
o Awards are conveyed during the ABA Annual Meeting. Exact date and time will be sent to awardees in advance of the event.
· If I receive an award, do I have to attend the annual meeting?
o No. Awardees are encouraged, but not required, to attend the meeting.
· Can I withdraw my manuscript from consideration?
o Yes. You may withdraw your paper prior to the deadline by emailing JBCR@ameriburn.org.
For more information about awards submission, visit the ABA awards website: https://ameriburn.org/who-we-are/awards/
For all questions regarding JBCR: Author guidelines