ABA Annual Meeting Faculty Guides

ABA Annual Meeting Faculty Guides

Course Directors: two to four individuals who agree to plan a course after the proposal

Speakers: Presenters at ABA Annual Conference education forums or correlative sessions

Poster Presenters: Individuals who present scientific abstract posters at the ABA Annual Meeting.

Correlative Moderators: Individuals who moderate correlative sessions at the ABA Annual Meeting. Responsible for announcing the speakers, keeping discussion questions relevant to the abstract. Keeping the speakers and overall session on time. Correlative moderators should be familiar with the abstracts being presented at the session.

Sunrise Symposia Moderators: Individuals who plan the sunrise symposia session. Responsible for keeping discussion questions relevant to the topic, encouraging attendees to participate in their group discussions. Walking around the room to help with discussion as needed.


Sunrise Symposia Moderator Important Information

Sunrise Symposia Moderators

Correlative Session Moderator Important Information

Correlative Session Moderators

Education Forum Course Director Important Information

Suggestions for Running an Effective Education Forum


Education Forum Presenters


  • If your slides were peer-reviewed, no changes can be made once the slides have been updated and approved.

  • Every presentation should have a disclosure slide as the first slide. Sample disclosure slides have been sent to you.

  • You need to verbally disclose to the audience prior to your presentation.


Preparing your Presentation

Preparing your Education Forum Presentation

Presenters and Session Moderators

  • Arrive to the room approximately 15 minutes prior to the session.

  • Check to make sure the PowerPoint presentation(s) have been downloaded onto the computer in the room. If a presentation is missing, notify the AV technician.

  • If you are part of a panel discussion, please make sure to use the microphones on the table so the audience can hear you. 

  • Keep the presentations on time to be respectful of others.

  • Correlative podium presenters have 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for follow up questions.


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