Group Registration
This article explains the process for registering a group of employees for the ABA Annual Meeting.
Step-By-Step Group Registration Process
To register employees of your organization. The ABA Administrator is the only individual who can do that by logging into their own profile. All of the individuals you are going to register should already be affiliated with the Organization/Burn Center/Hospital.
Navigate to the Event page – Event Registration .
Login as the ABA Administrator and click on Register Now.
Select Premium Events on the drop down and then 2024 ABA Annual Meeting.
You will see the option to register as yourself or your group as shown below.
Select Group Registration for your organization.
On the next page, you can select your attendees for the annual meeting.
NOTE: The employees of the organization need to be affiliated/associated with the organization. If they are not listed under the organization, you can enter them and link them to your organization.
Type in the names of the individuals linked to your organization. Select and click on next.
In the next window, fill in the Badge information for the attendee and answer questions if attending the Friday celebration, allergies, ADA requirements, and COVID-19 Policy, ABA registration terms and policies.
Once you have completed that portion, click on add and it will take you to the next window to select another attendee and complete the same process as before for all attendees. As you complete the process for each attendee they will be listed as seen below:
Once you have completed all the attendee’s registration you can click on next. The next window will ask if the attendees attend any of the Courses on Monday and Tuesday. If not, you can bypass to the next page.
The next window will list all of the attendees and charges for the annual meeting and any additional session you selected.
Click on checkout and fill in the billing information if paying via credit card. If paying by check you can select the “Bill Me” option.
You can enter your email to receive a confirmation email for the purchase and click submit your order.
All of your attendees are now registered for the 2024 ABA Annual Meeting.
If you have any questions or having any issues with the registration, please contact us at