Adding/Updating Discipline on ABA Profile

Adding/Updating Discipline on ABA Profile

This article outlines how to add or update a Discipline on to your ABA Profile.

Upon becoming a member of the ABA, your profile details should be filled out entirely, othewise, you may experience account lags with purchasing a specific subscription, courses, renewing or purchasing a new membership type, etc. If your Discipline is left empty, the system will not recognize you as an industry professional.

On your profile, above your photo you should see a tab that reads, “Account(1).” Click that tab, make sure you are on the “Personal Info(2)” sub-tab, and scroll down until you see the area that reads in bold black lettering, “Discipline/Credentials/Demographics(3).

discipline 1.png


Once you have filled this section out, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the blue “Save” button.


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