Membership Auto-Renewal FAQs

Membership Auto-Renewal FAQs

Enjoy uninterrupted access to exclusive membership benefits.

When and how will I be charged?

By opting into the auto-renewal program, you authorize ABA to automatically renew your membership annually on January 1. You will receive a notification email at least 30 days before the renewal date, including the amount and date of the upcoming charge. You will receive an email receipt to confirm payment. A credit card or debit card is required and will be securely stored.

Will I be notified?

Yes! You will receive a reminder at least one month in advance of your payment processing.

What if my card is no longer valid?

It is your responsibility to ensure that your payment information is accurate and up to date. You can update your payment details by logging into your ABA account. If we are unable to process your payment, you will be notified by email or phone. If your card is not current, auto-renew will be de-activated and re-enrollment will be required either online or by phone.

Will my dues ever change?

ABA membership dues are based on the calendar year, running from January 1st to December 31st. All memberships will be active during this period, regardless of the date of purchase. The ABA reserves the right to change these annual membership dues rates. ABA may change the membership fees for the auto-renewal program. Any changes will be communicated to you at least 60 days before the new fees take effect.

Where do I make changes or updates?

Members can update their profile and add/update credit card information by logging into ABA Home.


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