

This article provides a broad overview of myAmeriburn, the members-only online community for ABA.

myAmeriburn is a website comprised of dozens of “communities” that feature discussion boards, libraries, and more. It also features a member directory and event calendar.

There are some public areas of the site but a member login is required to view most content, and there are portions of the site that require further permission to access (such as private communities for committee volunteers).

To browse a list of available communities, visit the Communities tab in the site navigation.




Each community contains of list of members who are included in that community. If you are part of a community, you can post to the discussion board and receive notifications of discussion board posts. Each member can update their notification settings to receive real time email, a daily digest, or no email from the group.

All members are opted in to the “ABA Members” community and subscribed to a daily digest of activity by default. Members may also choose to join additional communities by taking certain actions, such as subscribing to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) or volunteering for a committee. All ABA committees have private communities that are used to help committee members discuss projects and share documents - appointed volunteers are automatically added to these communities at the start of their term and subscribed to real time email by default.

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