Troubleshooting myAmeriburn Email Delivery

Troubleshooting myAmeriburn Email Delivery

This article explains what to do if you are not receiving email from myAmeriburn.

Check Subscription Settings

  • Navigate to myAmeriburn.

    • If you do not have access to the link, you can navigate there from the Members Center by clicking myAmeriburn in the left-hand toolbar.

  • Login with your ABA credentials.

  • Visit your profile and then check the Community Notifications settings under the My Account tab.

    • Make sure that you are a member of at least one community and that you are subscribed to either real time email or a daily digest, rather than no email.

Troubleshooting Email Sent to a Work Account

Some institutions or email servers may block unknown email or email that is perceived to be spam.

If you believe that your organization may be filtering out emails from myAmeriburn, you can ask your employer for help by emailing your IT department to request that they whitelist the myAmeriburn email domain (i.e., mark the email address as a safe sender). Send the following message to your IT department:

To whom it may concern,

I am a member of the American Burn Association but am not receiving their emails. These messages contain important information that is critical to my work. Please whitelist the following domain and reply to let me know if this is complete: @connectedcommunity.org.

Thank you,


You may also contact the ABA to ask for an example email that you can forward to your IT department so that they can look for the message in their email server records to further troubleshoot the issue.

Troubleshooting Email Sent to a Personal Account

If you are not receiving myAmeriburn email at a personal account, please use the help function in your email provider’s website to look up how to add safe senders to your account. Then, make sure that the following domain is marked as safe: @connectedcommunity.org.

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