Renewing Burn Care Organization (BCO) Membership

Renewing Burn Care Organization (BCO) Membership

This article outlines the process for renewing a BCO membership.

BCO membership is renewed every calendar year. To learn more about this membership visit - Burn Care Organization Membership.

To renew membership, you must be an ABA Account Administrator.

If you do not have an ABA Account Administrator you can email info@ameriburn.org

How To Renew a BCO Membership

  1. Log in to your profile - American Burn Association.

  2. In the Overview Tab (main screen), click the green Make Payment button.

  3. Select your organization in the Pay For: drop down. Click Next.

  4. All open orders/invoices* for your organization will appear on the next screen. Click the View Order/Invoice button, for details on your order/invoice. Check the box of the order/invoice you would like to pay, then click the blue Pay button at the button at the bottom of the screen to bring you to the payment screen.

    *don’t see your order/invoice? Check the box next to “All related individuals and all related organizations of (your burn center),” then click Search.

  5. Enter your credit card information in the payment screen. Include your email address for a confirmation of payment. Click the green Submit Payment button.

  6. After the payment is received. You will receive a confirmation email of payment and how to obtain your BCO complimentary benefits.

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