If burn center receives a determination of verified, they receive a plaque stating what they are verified for and date of expiration date.
Steps to create plaque
Confirm the exact details (BC exact name and shipping address) with the burn center in the determination email (below)
Below is the information that we will use for your certificate and where it will be shipped. Please contact us as soon as possible with any corrections for the certificate or the shipping address.
The Burn Center at Cooperman Barnabas |
November 2025 |
c/o Paula Alem 94 Old Short Hills Rd Livingston, New Jersey 07039-5672 |
Congratulations, and thank you for your commitment to high-quality burn care!
Once the burn center has confirmed their information, the plaque is shipped.
Download, print and save (to burn center’s file) certificate from IX.
Put certificate onto the plaque.
Wrap plaque in bubble wrap and brown paper.
Go to USPS and create a label for medium sized USPS priority mail box.
Send shipment receipt to Finance Director