Wrap Up - (Re)Verification

Wrap Up - (Re)Verification

  • After the VRC Chair approves the results and the determination has been sent, return to MyAmeriburn. Visit the discussion thread and save the entire thread as a PDF in the Burn Center folder in Sharepoint. Title the PDF “ VRC Discussion_[Burn Center]_ [year]” even if there are no comments, still save the page so it is evident that no discussion was had.

    • Delete each individual comment after the PDF has been saved. The post should no longer appear on the main discussion page.

  • Go to the ballot and download the vote results.

  • Copy results and past into a new tab ont eh VRC member participation vote details [current year] and modify as directed below. Crreate a new workbook for each year.

    • DELETE columes D, E, F and adjust cells

    • Bold/increse size of burn center namChange text to RED of all VRC member that did not vote.

    • Fill cell of the names of the VRC reviewers

If ballot is in the Verification Commitee leave it and if is in the Verification Comittee-COI VOTES then delete the ballot


  • In BCQP, go to the verification page for the consultation and click “user management”. Remove all reviewers.

  • Return to Verification page and click “Final Determination”. Based on the reviewers' recommendation, click the appropriate result and set the expiration date for one year from the determination.

The options for a Consultation Review the dropdown are:

  • Recommend a Verification (site visit)

  • Defer Verification Site Visit (site visit)

  • Open Monday.com and update all dates in the burn center’s row. Duplicate the record and drag it down to the year of their next scheduled verification year by clicking Move to group. If not verified, move record to “pending”. Archive the record in the proper archive year by clicking Move to board under the appropriate section section.


  • Open Impexium and certify the burn center by opening the burn center profile, then “purchases”, then “certifications” then “completed certifications”. Select “manage” and “renew certification”.

  • After you click on Renew Certification click on No Fee Batch-current year and month.


  • If the status of the burn center has changed, please indicate the change under the “account” tab in IX. Scroll down to “Verified for” and make the appropriate change. If the burn center has lost verification altogether, change the option to blank. If the determination is nonverification pending further review, change the option to pending.


  • Check the burn center organization’s page to confirm the expiration date is correct.

  • If it is incorrect or you are managing the status after current expiration date. Click on Verified Burn Center. Click on Actions arrow and click list of certificants and find the burn center.

  • Click on the View tab.

  • Make sure Effective date and Expiration are correct. Change if necessary and save. Go back to the burn center’s organization’s page and confirm expiration date is correct.