Site Visit Scheduling- Consultation

Site Visit Scheduling- Consultation

  1. Contact physician reviewers and secure dates for the site visit. Once dates are secured schedule nonphysicians.

  2. Once the dates are finalized, prep and send a formal confirmation letter.

The burn center is informed of the following:

  • They will be responsible for the organizing and payment of ground transportation and lodging for the site reviewers.

  • They are responsible for coordinating and setting up 90-minute virtual breakout sessions for the nursing and therapy reviewers via zoom or other video conferencing platform along with the 45 minute reviewer deliberation. They communicate directly with the reviewers for this. Ideally, this will take place the morning of day 1. If absolutely necessary, it can take place in the days leading up to the review.

  • They are responsible for setting up a virtual meeting with Nursing and Therapy reviewers to test equipment and software. The burn center is expected to have IT on call should any technical issues arise during the site review.

  • They are responsible for confirming all logistical information with reviewers two weeks before the site review. This includes flight information (provided by reviewer to confirm pick-up times), hotel confirmation, ground transportation plans, and the site review agenda.

  1. Attach confirmation letter to email along with Goals for Nursing and Therapy Breakout Sessions and Verification Breakfast Instructions.

  2. Update Monday.com with date, reviewer names and projected due dates.

  3. Update date of site visit and management on BCQP.

  1. Log into BCQP and click on Verification and search for the burn center.

  2. Once on the burn center’s page go to Site Visit Date, click edit and then enter first day of site visit.

  3. Finally, go to User Management, click edit and then start typing the reviewers name and click on it when it populates, Repeat process for the rest of the reviewers.

  1. Create an event on the VRC calendar, include burn center name and invite physician reviewers.


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