Abstract Reviewer Assignments (ANM 2025)
A couple of suggestions for next year:
Research still ended up as a category for people to submit abstracts, we agreed to get rid of that one
The assignment sheet did not match the current categories; it had some old ones on there. I deleted them.
Process for assigning reviews:
Aim for 4-6 reviewers per abstract
Start with specialized categories (e.g., aftercare, rehab)
Fill in more general categories (e.g., QI, pain) later
Balance workload across ~90 reviewers, aiming for ~24 reviews per person on average
Reviewer Management
Discussion on handling reviewers without assignments:
Some kept as backups for potential shortages
Importance of having up-to-date information on reviewer interests and expertise
Suggestion to create a more comprehensive catalog of reviewer expertise for future years
Abstract Categorization
Some abstracts may need recategorization during review process
Final adjustments to categories may be made during session slotting to balance talk numbers