Requesting a Dataset on the ABA Website
This article explains the process of obtaining the Burn Care Quality Platform data set - available to requestors for nonprofit, advocacy, medical, patient education and commercial use.
Nonmember dataset requests will incur a fee. Email for details.
Requesting a Dataset on the ABA Website
On the ABA website, go to the Research tab and click Burn Research Datasets.
Complete and submit the Application Form.
Following submission of the Application Form, ABA will reach out to the requestor providing the Data Use Agreement (DUA).
There is a 3 year and 10 year data set available. You will be asked to indicate which you would like access to.
If you or your associated organization are not ABA members, you may access the data set for a fee. Please provide invoicing information with your completed DUA.
Sign the Data Usage Agreement (DUA), and email to
The application form is housed on a Google site. If your organization blocks access to Google forms, you will need to access it from a personal device or request access from your IT department.