Managing BCQP User Accounts Through the ABA
The assigned ABA Account Administrator for your organization needs to keep your burn center BCQP users up to date. This is done by logging into the ABA database through the ABA website.
How to Update and Review Your Site’s Information
Your ABA Account Admin logs into the ABA Website.
Once logged in, organizations, or people can be searched by name in the search bar on the left-hand navigator.
If the Individual already has a record in the ABA database, information can be updated from the Individual’s record, or the Organization record as follows:
From the Individual Record go to Account> Relationships click Add New Relationship
In the pop up, search for the (1) Organization; under the (2) Relationship box scroll down to find the correct relationship; click (3) Save
From the Organization Record Account go to Relationships > Individuals tab
Select Add New Relationship to an Individual +
Search for the Individual and add the Relationship
For BCQP select “BCQP User”, “BCQP Admin”. Also, add another Relationship to indicate who has the title “Registrar”. For example, all Registrars should have at least two relationships “BCQP User” and “Registrar”
Once done click Save.
If the person does not have a record in the ABA Database there is a two-step process for adding a new record
First, create a new Individual Record for the person
Go to the ABA website and click “login”
From there, click the “Login or Create Account" button.
Click “Create an Account” at the bottom of the screen.
Fill in all required fields (*), click Create Account.
Select your Discipline and Demographics to complete your profile.
After you complete the profile add the relationship following the steps above for adding from the Individual Record-
Do not add the new individual from the Organization Record page.