As of January 2025, instructor courses will no longer be run by the central office or require ABA staff to be in attendance. Any organization can request, and host an ABLS instructor course as long as they have the properly trained National Faculty to instruct it. Please see the steps for submitting a course below:
Step 1: Source your National Faculty
Only National Faculty who have taken the webinar and been T4 certified may teach the instructor course
For courses of 1-6 people you need one National Faculty
For courses of 7-15 you need two National Faculty
No instructor course can be over 15 people.
All National Faculty who will be teaching the course should familiarize themselves with the guidelines
If you do not have a National Faculty member who can teach the course at your institution, please reach out via the coordinator and instructor communities on MyAmeriburn to source someone to assist you.
All travel and lodging expenses will need to be negotiated between the National Faculty and requesting organization. The ABA will not be responsible for any costs associated with holding the course
Step 2: Requesting the Course
When you have found your National Faculty, your ABLS Coordinator will need to submit the request in the course request form on the members site. When submitting please put “instructor course” next to the date as well as which National Faculty member would like to receive the roster updates.
Once the request has been received, the ABA staff will input the course into the system and send over the registration link as well as instructions for hosting the course.
Step 3: Sending out the Course Paperwork
After course submission, the coordinator no longer needs to be involved.
2 weeks before the course: Send out the welcome email along with the slide assignments and slides, which are available in the Instructor team on our learning platform
Use this slide assignment template-
If your class is larger, add additional chapters, each person should present about 8 slides.
Make sure that all participants are presenting content as opposed to introductions. No one should be presenting the first chapter.
Email Template:
Dear Attendee,
You are receiving this email because you are registered to attend the ABLS Instructor course on date at location.
Please find the attached chapter assignment document. During the course, you will be required to present a few slides to the class as part of your role as an ABLS instructor. Please review the attached PowerPoint presentation to familiarize yourself with your assigned slides. Additionally, I have included the ABLS Live course manual for your reference.
We suggest also familiarizing yourself with how the slides function as many are interactive and require multiple “clicks” to display all of the content.
If you have not met the requirements outlined below, you are not eligible to take this course.
Instructor course pre-requisites:
Must have an active ABA membership.
ABLS Certified for a minimum of one (1) year. (Must have completed the ABLS Live course no less than 12 months prior to the Instructor Course). ABLS NOW© Certification is not sufficient to become an instructor. (If your ABLS Live certificate needs to be added to your ABA profile, please reach out to me directly)
Hold a clinical degree (physician, nurse, advanced practice professional [PA, NP], OT, PT) with a minimum of 3 years of experience working at a burn center OR be a paramedic affiliated with an ABA Burn Center through regular participation in the burn center’s programs. An exception to being affiliated with a Burn Center may be granted to military personnel.
If you hold a clinical degree not listed here, a letter of intent to the ABLS committee and a letter of support from your Burn Medical Director are required for consideration of your candidacy by the committee.
Just a friendly reminder: the attached course materials are copyrighted, so please refrain from sharing them.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.
We recommend confirming that registrants meet the requirements as they enroll so that you do not have a large number dropping from the course last minute. If you have any questions about eligibility, please reach out to
The Day Of the Course:
Set Up:
AV requirements - The same as ABLS Live; laptop, podium, projector and screen, since this is a smaller course you probably do not need microphones
Course Materials - The instructor course slides should be downloaded and checked before the course begins.
Room requirements - Classroom set up with ability to either break into two smaller groups in the same room or an additional break out room for courses over six people to facilitate the case study and patient assessment practice
Additional requirements - Moulage dummies to be used for case study and patient assessments, paper and pens/pencils for National Faculty to take notes on the candidates. Print out copies of the slide assignments for each National Faculty, there is space for presentation notes.
Post Course
ABA staff will send a close out email just like an ABLS Live course. Once the roster is finalized, your organization will be charge $375 per participant. As with ABLS Live, the ABA will not take payment directly from participants.
Coordinators: Please reach out to the people who took the course to advise them of their next steps. They will need to be observed twice and then submit their applications
When deciding how often to host instructor courses, consider how many instructor candidates your organization can feasibly handle observing in a year. If you have too many candidates, you run the risk of having to arrange their observations at other organizations or bring in more National Faculty to observe them, which can become costly.