Once a new application is submitted, the Verification Specialist and Consultant receive the bbc order confirmation emails that are sent to the burn center. This is indication that there is an application that needs to be approved in Impexium.
To begin, access Impexium and on the left panel, select “Certifications” and “Applications”:
Select “Site Visit Verification Application”:
Select “Applicants”, then “Pending”. Click “view”. Do not click the name of the burn center under “customer name”, it will take you to their profile page, not the application.
To view and approve the application, please follow the directions below:
Select “edit information”. This is how you view the information provided by the burn center. There are 3 fields in particular that are extremely important in this process.
Type of Verification: When reviewing this field, double check in Monday.com, Sharepoint (past verification files), and BCQP to verify that the burn center selected the proper type. Burn centers mistakenly select “Adult” instead of “Adult and Pediatric” very frequently (as shown above). If a discrepancy is encountered, check with the Verification Coordinator at that burn center to ensure they are pursuing the correct type. This mistake isn’t easily undone on the PRQ.
Preferred months for a site review: this will be the guide for the Verification Consultant when they are scheduling the visit. We recommend that the burn center have their visit 8 weeks prior to the verification expiration in order to guarantee that they receive their determination before the verification expires.
Black-out dates: This field is important in the event that the burn center would like to reschedule their visit. If the Verification staff mistakenly schedules the burn center during their blackout dates, the burn center will be rescheduled as soon as possible. If the burn center did not provide correct blackout dates and wants to reschedule, the Verification staff may reschedule and charge a rescheduling fee of $1000. The verification may lapse if the date requested is too late.
Approve the signature page.
Approve the application.