This article provides basic information on the ABA’s Verified Burn Fellowship Training Program (VBFTP) review and verification process.
Burn Fellowship Training Program
The verification of a burn center’s Fellowship Program provides a true mark of distinction for a burn center. The purpose of the ABA VBFTP is to promote consistent training in support of high-quilaty burn care. Through meeting a threshold of evidence-based and expert consensus standards, verified clinical burn fellowship programs demonstrate currency with best practice and engagement in continuous quality imporvement.
In order to become a VBFTP, your burn center must meet the verification criteria set forth by the ABA. The process of becoming a Verified Burn Center can take up to a year.
Important to note, burn center verification is a pre-requisit for VBFTP.
ABA Burn Center Verification Process
The steps to begin the VBFTP verificaiton process are as follows:
Start by completing the verification application on the members website.
This process involves updating your roster, providing information for site visit scheduling, and completing the Application Signature page.
Once the application is submitted, it will be reviewed and approved by ABA staff and you will be notified that your invoice has been created and you will need to pay the Fellowhip Application fee.
PRQ Completion
Following application approval, the Pre-Review Questionnaire (PRQ) will be created in the Burn Care Quality Platform (BCQP) and you will need to complete it. This process may take several months; it is important that ample time is allotted to complete it. The PRQ must be completed and submitted 8 weeks in advance of the verification review.
Site Visit
The verification process includes a site visit to determine if a burn center is operating a fellowship program that meets all of the required criteria. ABA offers and option to combine a burn center verification visit with a half-day review of the fellowship program. In this case, one or both of the site reviewers arrives early and meets with the burn fellowship director, burn center director, and fellow(s) and reviews supplementar materials requested for on-site reviwew. The Verification Coordinator will confirm the date and time, as well as the reviewers when available.
Here is a suggested agenda and schdule.
Provisional (Electronic) Review
Centers that wish to apply but do not have an in-person Burn Center Verification site visiit scheduled can request a Provisional Verification review basked ont thier electronic application (a document-only review)
Post-site Visit Wrap-up
At the conclusion of the site review or provisonal review, the reviewers will confer and agree on the final recommendation and they will enter key findings into BCQP. The site reporta and determinaiton will be shared with Verification Commitee and a determantion will be made.
Verification Notification
Within eight weeks the burn center director and verification coordinator will receive the determination of their VBFTP verification review. If verification is obtained, the burn center will receive a plaque from the ABA within 8 weeks of receiving the determination.