Poster Moderator Guidelines

Poster Moderator Guidelines


  • 1) Ensure that you read the abstracts in the Annual Meeting App prior to the session and

  • 2) Consider one or two questions you can ask the author when you moderate that session.

Suggestions for Running an Effective Poster Rounds Session:

  • Arrive to the poster session (Salon B - LL) by 12:15pm and check-in at the poster moderator check-in table.

    • Pick up your clipboards, pens, and your scoring sheet at the check-in table.

    • Proceed to your assigned poster area. Introduce yourself to the co-moderator.

  • The usual presentation order is to go from one end to the other, however, do what is convenient for you and your group.

  • Keep the presentations on time.

    • There will be up to 10 posters assigned for you to score.

    • Each presentation is 2-5 minutes with the opportunity for you to ask 1-2 questions.

    • Please remind those in your area to limit side discussions so that everyone can hear the presentations.

  • After all posters have been presented, ask the presenters to wait a few minutes while you determine the best in category. Remind all presenters to leave their poster in place until the blue ribbon has been awarded.

  • Present the ribbon to best in category. 

    • Best in category posters are left on the board (ABA staff will move them to another space for the Best in Category session.)

    • All other posters should be removed by the presenters.

  • Tell ABA Staff which poster is best in category. Leave rating sheets with ABA staff at table.

    • ABA staff will create a PowerPoint for Best in Category session.

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