What to Expect After an ABLS Live™ Course

What to Expect After an ABLS Live™ Course

Once you complete and pass your ABLS Live course, there will be a few more steps to complete before you receive your certificate:

  1. The ABA Education Coordinator will review attendance and passing scores with the Course Coordinator. Once the Course Coordinator has confirmed the attendees, you will receive an email from abaservice@ameriburn.org with your course evaluation link.

    1. If you are using your professional email to access your ABA profile, please make sure to check with your IT department to ensure that the above email address is allowed through your email system’s firewall.

  2. Once you receive your evaluation email, log into your ABA profile and complete the evaluation.

  3. The link to populate your certificate will be on the last page of the evaluation. When you click the link, your certificate will automatically populate in your ABA profile.

  4. Access your continued education credits and certificate once they are populated on your profile.

If you have trouble accessing your certifications, it is often because you were not signed in to your profile when completing the evaluation.

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