All Posters must fit in the space of 42” x 42”
File Format: PDF ONLY
Title the file with your poster #, abstract title, and last name, e.g. (500_AbstractTitle_Lastname).
Upload your Poster to the Cadmium Speaker Management site. If you have forgotten your KEY or cannot login, click the link below the login box “Lost your login key?”
Wednesday, April 10, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Thursday, April 11, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Presenters must be at their poster during their designated time to discuss the work presented. Poster Moderators will select the Best Posters in each category. Winners will receive a ribbon and will be required to be present at the Best in Category Posters session on Friday, April 12, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Poster Rounds 1: Tuesday, April 9, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Poster Rounds 2: Wednesday, April 10, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Push pins will be provided on poster boards. Additional push pins are available at the poster desk. All posters MUST be set up by the dates and times identified above.
Poster Rounds 1: Wednesday, April 9, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Poster Rounds 2: Thursday, April 10, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Posters MUST be removed by 3:00 PM on the date of your scheduled poster round. Posters that are not removed by this time will be discarded. The American Burn Association (ABA) is not responsible for returning unclaimed posters.
If your poster won a ribbon during the poster rounds session, leave your poster on the poster board with the ribbon. Posters will remain on display until after the Best in Category session. You will NOT use the physical poster in the Best in Category, we will use the uploaded PDF file in a PowerPoint presentation.
**Note: Poster presenters are responsible for storing their poster tubes, handouts, etc. ABA is not responsible for any lost or stolen poster tubes, handouts, etc. Be sure to label your poster tube clearly. Any tubes left behind after 3:00 PM of your poster presentation date will be discarded.
You will have 2-5 minutes to speak to the poster round moderator about your poster. The moderator may ask questions about the data and methods of the study. At the end of the session, the moderator will choose a Best in Category and present a ribbon. The ribbon stays on the poster until after the Best in Category session on Friday, April 12.
Do not include company names or products that are ineligible. This includes companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.
Make sure your fonts are legible.
Don’t use too much text, graphs, and charts that cannot be read from 3 feet away, or colors that are difficult to see.
Any personal identifying content in a photo needs to be blacked out (e.g., eyes should have a black box obscuring them)
Friday, April 12, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Poster presenters who won a blue ribbon during the poster viewing hours are expected to attend the BEST IN CATEGORY POSTERS during the plenary. Judges will vote for the Best Poster and ribbons will be assigned to the first-place, second, and third place winners.
The Best in Category Posters will be presented electronically in a session room (not the poster hall), we will use the uploaded copy of your poster in a slide presentation. The printed version of the poster will continue to be displayed at the meeting. Speakers who were chosen for the Best in Category session must visit the Speaker Ready Room (Location TBD) to ensure that their uploaded PDF(s) are on file by 5:00 PM, Thursday, April 11.
Friday, April 12, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Posters MUST be removed by 1:00 PM on the dates and times identified above. Posters that are not removed by this time will be discarded. The American Burn Association (ABA) is not responsible for returning unclaimed posters.
**Note: Poster presenters are responsible for storing their poster tubes, handouts, etc. ABA is not responsible for any lost or stolen poster tubes, handouts, etc. Be sure to label your poster tube clearly. Any tubes left behind after 1:00 PM on April 12 will be discarded. |