Start by completing the fellowship application on the members website.
This process involves updating your roster, providing information for site visit scheduling, and completing the Application Signature page.
Once the application is submitted, it will be reviewed and approved by ABA staff and you will be notified that your invoice has been created. Once the application is submitted, it will be reviewed and approved by ABA staff who then will notify you that the invoice and the PRQ are ready.
If this is the fellowship program’s first time applying or your VBFTP has expired, an initial Fellowship Application fee of $1,200 needs to paid prior to
PRQ Completion
Following application approval, the Pre-Review Questionnaire (PRQ) will be created in the Burn Care Quality Platform (BCQP). This process may take several months; it is important that ample time is allotted to complete it. The PRQ must be completed and submitted 8 weeks in advance of the verification review.
The verification process includes a site visit to determine if a burn center is operating a fellowship program that meets all of the required criteria. ABA recommends combining the fellowship review coincide with the burn center reverification review. This will be accomplished by adding a half-day for review of the fellowship program. In this case, one or both site reviewers arrives early and meets with the burn fellowship director, burn center director, and fellow(s) and reviews supplemental materials requested for on-site review. The Verification Coordinator confirms the date and time, as well as reviewers’ availability.
Please us the suggestedThis
Fellowship Agenda and schedule can be used in tandem with a burn center reverification site visit or at an independent burn center site visit.
Post-site Visit Wrap-up
At the conclusion of the site review, the reviewers will confer and agree on the final recommendation and they will enter key findings into BCQP. The site report and determination will be shared with Verification Committee and a determination will be made.