The ABLS National Faculty (NF) Educators are an elite group within the ABA tasked with facilitating the ABLS Live Instructor courses and maintaining have completed the live course or webinar to learn how to teach the ABLS Instructor course and maintain the integrity and high standards of the ABLS program and ABA as a whole.
ABLS Instructor for a minimum of 5 years. Instructor status must be in good standing for the entire period (meaning their ABLS instructor credentials could not have lapsed in that time period). Candidates must have maintained ABA membership during that time, completed all course updates, received consistent positive reviews of their teaching skills, and received no complaints on teaching record.
Submit a National Faculty Application. The candidate must submit a National Faculty Application, complete with:
A letter of interest to the ABLS program. An individual interested in becoming ABLS National Faculty should submit a letter of interest to the ABLS program outlining their interest and experience with the ABLS program.
A letter of support from local burn center leadership. A letter of support from the candidate’s burn center leadership is required to be considered for NF status. This letter should highlight the applicant’s record as educator of burn content.
Review and confirmation of status eligibility from the ABLS committee and central office. Central office will receive all requests for NF status. After confirming that the candidate meets the pre-requisites, the central office will forward the request for status and letter of support to the ABLS committee who will review and approve at their scheduled monthly meeting.
Attend the Blue Sky webinar and complete observationsComplete ABLS teaching observations and attend the National Faculty webinar. After being confirmed by the ABLS committee and central office, candidates must attend the Blue Sky National Faculty webinar on how to teach the instructor ABLS Instructor course and thenmust be observed teaching both the ABLS Live and ABLS Instructor Candidate course by an existing National Faculty member who is Blue Sky trainedhas attended the National Faculty webinar and completed the additional criteria. They must achieve excellent marks on all observed criteria. Once the observations and webinar have been completed, their data will be reviewed and approved by the ABLS™ education coordinator.
Maintain all requirements for ABLS Instructor.
2. Teach an ABLS instructor course a minimum of 2 times in 4 years.