🌱 Answer: This is meant to define the admission date for patients who have conditions that are cared for by other services before the burn service is consulted (i.e. TEN), and the burn service had no input in their care prior to comanaging or managing the care for the patient. The burn service cannot be responsible for issues they had no control over before they assumed care of the patient. It is also for patients who sustain a burn injury while being cared for whatever brought them to the hospital in the first place. Again, the burn service cannot be responsible for whatever brought the patient to the hospital (i.e. cancer), but only for the care of the burn injury. This is true for many patients that may be transferred to the burn hospital from another hospital for care of the burn or other non-burn injury. The injury date will note what the date was that the burn injury or non-burn condition being cared for by the burn service occurred, whether are another hospital or the same hospital.
Admission Time
🤔 Question: If a patient that was admitted on the 16th for unrelated medical issues lit a cigarette and got flash burns to their face because they were on supplemental oxygen on the 17th what should be recorded as the admission time?
🌱 Answer: In this case put the time the burn service either assumed care or was co-managing care of the patient. If the burn service only consults on the patient, but does not write orders, manage the burn wounds, etc. then that is not co-managing care. If they do write orders, do patient notes and care of the burn wound then they are co-managing care, and you would find the time closest to when that actually starts to occur.
Admission Type
Admission Status
Admission Source